Hull Wyke Round Table & Ladies Circle Charity Fundraising Summer Ball
held on Friday 18th July at Lazaat, Cottingham
the figures need finalising but it looks like we have rasied at least £500 for charity. We are in the process of deciding which charity will benefit from the money rasied.
We would like to thank everyone who attended making it an enjoyable and successful evening.
We would also like to thank our sponsors:
Favours Forever for providing balloons as table decorations
P&O Ferries & European Road Freight Ltd for providing the ferry crossing with cabin to Zeebruge and hire car as a raffle prize
Lazaat for providing an overnight stay and meal for two as a raffle prize
Andrea Travis at Castle Spa for providing a pampa day for two as a raffle prize
Hutton’s for providing a 17 year old bottle of Glengoyne malt whiskey and 12 bottles of advocaat as raffle prizes
ND Jennings Electrical Ltd for providing a bottle of champagne as a raffle prize