We couldn’t do it without your generosity.
With all your help, together we’ve supported the local community donating all money raised to good causes including:
£ 500.00 Michelle Southerland
Michelle is local to our community and was diagnosed with #addisonsdisease several years ago. It was brought to our attention that she’s raising money to receive life changing treatment that unfortunately can’t be funded by the NHS. An adrenal pump will allow Michelle’s symptoms to significantly improve and live without pain, muscle weakness and constant lethargy. Hull Wyke Round Table are pleased to be able to contribute and wish Michelle good luck. #Community #Hull #hullwykeroundtable #supportingothers #charitable #goodcauses #itswhatwedo
£50.00 Jordan Mounsey
£1000 daisy appeal
£2500 downright special
£3000 willbery brownies
£500 scouts
£560 Brough Air Cadets for Radios
£1545 pro drums for music equipment
£550 KIDS cancer charity
£250 hessle am dram society
£500 charity walk arron howlett
£2000 sue altass
£250 Alex Turnball re Wigs
£500 scouts
£120 kais 18th birthday
£3000 electric eals
£540 st Cuthbert’s scouts
£500 dental mavericks
£254 evie kean
£80 evie keen for limo
£320 mais bedroom artwork
£300 kids charity
£1500 altitude adventures